True Confessions of a Medium-Advice-Giver
I wrote The Entrepreneurial Power of Embarrassment not realizing that I wasn’t taking my own advice.

“Your startup needs you to quash that embarrassment. No shame, all gain. Be bold, ye entrepreneur, for a Blue Ocean is thine. Be *that guy,* the one who will do anything to promote their startup. Shout your URL from the rooftop. Wear your T-shirt to weddings. Beg developers on bended knee, if you have to, to join the team.
Embrace entrepreneurial embarrassment: have no shame.”
…sounds like great advice, right? I wrote that. And I’m not living it.
The truth is, I’ve been sitting on a concept for months now, dying to start, to launch, to build — but am absolutely paralyzed by “imposter syndrome.”
I want to start a lifestyle magazine for (women) technologists.
And I keep running against a series of “buts.”
…but I’m not a real writer.
…but I’m not a real woman in tech.
…but what do I know about starting a magazine?
…but I don’t have the money.
Well, no more. I’m calling myself out, publicly.
It’s time I got started.
I’m building Valley Girl, the lifestyle magazine for technologists.