Triggered by Trump? Try this tech:
Snowflake or icicle, it’s easy to get sick of the constant flow of Trump news. Here are a few suggestions to avoid him online.

(Step 1 of 4) Block Trump mentions:
The first thing you’re going to want to do is to limit the number of times you see his name or image on the Internet.
Trump Filter: block any mention of Trump in your Chrome browser with this handy extension.
Make America Kittens Again: Replace images of Trump with cute cats with this Chrome extension.
Go Fucking Work: While this customizable site blocker is intended to get you focused, it can also be repurposed — as a set of blinders. For Chrome.
Space: If you have news or other apps on your iPhone that are likely to mention Trump, limit their use with Space.
(Step 2 of 4) Get news that’s unlikely to mention him:
Then, dip your toes back into the news with newsletters and tools that are unlikely to mention Trump:
Finimize: Short summations of two financial news stories, every day.
The News: See Product Hunt, Hacker News, and Designer News in one screen.
Mattermark Daily: A newsletter with investor and founder news.
(Step 3 of 4) Create a Trump Gmail filter:
You probably know how to create a filter in Gmail, but I’ll go through the steps in case you’re rusty. First, underneath your profile image, click the Gear icon, and choose Settings.

You’ll be on the General tab by default, so click on to Filters and Blocked Addresses.

From there, click Create a new filter.

Enter the terms you wish to block in “Has the words.” This means it can be in the subject line, the address, or the content of the email — any of it will be caught. I chose the terms: “Donald Trump,” Trump, and even Drumpf, just to be thorough. Then click Create filter with this search.

In the next screen, your search terms will appear on top. Click the toggles next to Skip the Inbox, Apply the label (optional), and Never mark it as important. Then click Create filter.

Done! If, for some reason you want to read those emails, simply check your archived messages, or, if you clicked Apply the label “Trump,” you’ll also be able to click only that label — it might be hidden under “more,” but it will be on the left-hand side margin.

(Step 4 of 4) Relax and meditate:
Finally, once you’ve limited your contact with Trump, you can chill out a little. Try some meditation: Beautiful images and relaxing music for meditation, available online or as an app.
Pause: An iOS and Android app to help you relax and meditate.
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