Sneaky Stanley Todd, Plant Murderer

A Dog Named Karma Comic #7

Kiki Schirr
A Dog Named Karma


I’m attempting to perfect the preview image, here’s a new technique.

Click for the first comic, or for the comic before this one.

Words spoken out loud appear within white bubbles. I’m including the full text of the dialog for the visually impaired.

Author notes at the end of the work.

When Frieda enters the office she shares with three other grad student T.A.s, her friend Janet cries out:

Expect academic rivalry to be petty and passive aggressive and you’ll never be disappointed!

Janet: “Hey, Frieda! I caught your plant-murderer!”

Frieda: “Wait — so it was someone unplugging the lamps maliciously?”

Janet: “Yup, come watch this!”

Stanley just can’t pull a Man in Black look like Johnny Cash did, RIP.

Janet: “He looked directly at the cam! You couldn’t STAGE a more incriminating video of Sneaky Stanley sabotaging your plants.”

Frieda: “But WHY?! My lamps are even energy-efficient!”

Janet: “His advisor won’t stop gushing about you and your grants. He’s just jealous. Typical.”

Janet, smaller text: “Although the best part has to be that he wore a black turtleneck and hat — like it’s a bad heist movie!”

Remember, ladies, men can (and, perhaps, should) be more to you than the carriers of all objects heavy and awkward.

Frieda: “That does suck but my plants are innocent! I guess I should take them home…”

Janet: “Yeah, probably. Oh, you should have your ‘friend’ Talako help you! He looks strong and smitten enough to help you carry many heavy objects.” (Janet’s expression is best described as a ‘leer.’)

Frieda: “Janet!” (minor freak-out expression)

Author notes:

Since Karma didn’t get to make an appearance in today’s strip, here’s a bonus shot of her real-life inspiration, my parents’s dog, Buffy. Buffy is sad because my brother’s whippet paid zero attention to her for his entire visit, despite the many eager attempts she made to play with him.

Poor Buffy.

I’m going to be switching to a schedule of two posts a week, on Tuesday and Friday. So I’ll see you on Friday with the next installment!

— Kiki



Kiki Schirr
A Dog Named Karma

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!