Slow Moments at Startup Weekend?

A quick update, guys!
We’re prepping our pitch deck and gathering stats now that we consider our market validated. Everyone’s tired. Mark, fearless leader, is cracked out and muttering about needing to cook.
I’m not exactly sure what to do. I could compose a few more tweets, or push a little more social media… so instead I’m writing a little update here on Medium.
In case you missed it, I’m doing Startup Weekend Tampa Bay, as part of the larger Global Startup Battle 2015. We’ve started a little company called Mazlo, a service to connect foodies with grocery money to chefs with welcoming homes.
When we went around doing little interviews to see if people would use Mazlo, the response was overwhelmingly positive. There was a little trepidation about going to a stranger’s home, though when we asked if it were linked to Facebook, would that assuage their concerns? people seemed to be satisfied.
(So we might address that in our pitch tomorrow.)
Has anyone done a really impressive pitch? Wanna give me a few pointers?
And check out Mazlo now!