Resources for creatives doing the #rejectioncollection challenge
I vowed to receive 100 rejections in 2018… but to my surprise, many of my applications were accepted!

If you haven’t read my previous post about gathering 100 rejections in 2018, I’ll warn you that it’s a little outdated. The resources that I list are nearly all closed to applications now.
So to mend that, I’m starting a new list of resources for creatives seeking rejection.
Each resource will be either an application opportunity or a book or other educational resource to help you build up more skills prime for rejection. :)
Whenever possible, I attempted to add free resources. If I missed one, feel free to comment at the end or email me at kikischirr at gmail.
Business or startup resources
Product Hunt- Quite possibly my favorite community on the Internet, PH is a website that lists and votes for new products daily. If you have a product ready to sell (not a service and preferably not in beta) then list it here for free and gain a wide audience of early adopters.
BetaList- Have an upcoming startup or un-launched product? Gather steam and eager early adopters at BetaList, which has free levels or paid levels of participation.
Backstage Accelerator- Supporting underrepresented (AKA underestimated) founders from four cities across the globe, this newly-announced accelerator promises to help your startup flourish while building a business network like no other!
Known by Mark Schaefer- Quite possibly the best book on personal branding that I’ve ever read, including Gary Vaynerchuk’s Crushing It! This book is a great guide to finding and serving your niche without squashing your passion or compromising your beliefs.
Writing resources
Duotrope- A subscription service that, in exchange for a small fee, keeps writers up to date on current publication needs and closures as well as publication rates and difficulty levels.
Writers Market 2019- Put out at the beginning of this month, the 2019 Deluxe Edition is the latest on where to shop a manuscript for a book.
Guide to Literary Agents 2019- If you’d prefer to start with an agent, check out this excellent print resource.
DIY MFA- A dense, written guide to achieving all you ever dreamed of with an MFA (Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing or Creative Non-fiction) without leaving home. Except to go to the library, I suppose! is currently seeking storytellers and content creators who are people of color to share their stories, designs, and products made for/by PoC.
Government and legal resources
French-American Foundation Young Leaders Program- Foster relations between France and the United States in this prestigious program.
Obama Foundation Fellow- Apply through Tuesday, September 18th to be a part of the 2019 cohort.
Roddenberry Fellowship- Apply through Wednesday, September 19th to be a part of the 2019 cohort and fight for civil and environmental rights.
Technology or school resources
Lambda School- Intensive 30-week courses to bring you to competitive skill levels in several technical fields. Study at home — and pay for schooling after you start making a wage. Fields of study include: full stack dev, iOS dev, data science, Android dev, and UX design.
Khan Academy- a nonprofit dedicated to teaching you, well, anything for free! Coursework is mostly in video format.
DIY U- Although it was published in 2010, this manual for “edupunks” remains relevant.
That brings me to the end of my list. If you have another opportunity you’d like to add, please mention it in the comments with a link and description and I will add it here. Or feel free to email me, kikischirr at gmail.
Best of luck, Startists!