Meerkat vs. Periscope:

Kiki Schirr
2 min readApr 15, 2015

The upcoming battle for lady love.

Six days ago, Mashable released an article regarding how Meerkat and Periscope are handling their troll problem.

Trolls, the Internet slang for social media users who deliberately antagonize others, abound on both Meerkat and Periscope. During my first two experimental Periscopes, I was a little shaken:

We want to see YOU. (as I was drawing)

Hey cutie.

Show us your face!

Point the camera at butts! (at a Crossfit gym)

We want butts!

— Luckily, as most females do, I have an internal sexism filter that finally kicked in. I slough off these comments now like rain on a duck’s back. But I do worry for younger, more impressionable users.

And insults do get more personal. As a straight white mis user, I don’t get a lot of the more offensive comments hurled in my direction. But I know that I’d have a lot more hesitation in using the platforms if I weren’t any of those three — being female is bad enough.

Remember ChatRoulette?

So do I. But this is all that remains.

No one uses it now. Why? Because the females** fled.

It’s my prediction that whoever wins the battle of the trolls will also win the battle for marketshare.

Fourchan trolls do not mainstream make.

Follow the females to success, O livestream video apps.

If you agree, please take a second to ‘recommend’ this article. If you yourself have received negative comments and would feel comfortable sharing, feel free to comment.

** It wasn’t just women that didn’t feel comfortable on Chatroulette, this is simplification for rhetoric. I realize that the troll problem also affected other groups.

Let’s just be kind to one another.



Kiki Schirr

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!