F**kboi Dismissal

I wouldn’t expectorate if you were combusting
I hate your face: your nose all bust in
those lips lying, that shit-eating grin
but to my chagrin, you do it again!
Beg for a date, show up late, we drive to your place
Netflix and chill like it’s some big thrill
still — I hold the ace, chill — give me my space
You’re not Top 8. Bottom feeder, mouth breather
You desecrate with your presence, the room fills up with your essence
Cheap and sleazy, you’re so greasy. A garlic eater in a wife beater
Get the message, please, this is not a tease
Let me explicate all these lessons:
You make me heave; I regurgitate. It’s time to leave — go — accelerate
No, don’t you wait lest I decapitate you exasperate
I wish you would die, like sand in my eye you irritate
If you’d like to hear this read out loud, I also put it on YouTube.